Autumn Master-Classes 2010 "Mission to Succeed" by MUNRFE

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  • ID: 19789209
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С 20 сентября по 23 октября 2010 года НП "Модель ООН на Дальнем Востоке" проводит осенние мастер-классы! Если ты хочешь: -развить свои лидерские качества; -получить навыки ораторского искусства; -научиться убеждать людей и выигрывать любые споры; -овладеть навыками ведения переговоров; -работать в команде; -эффективно управлять своим временем; -узнать много нового и интересного о мире; -найти много новых умных, интересных и творческих друзей, тогда эти мастер-классы ДЛЯ ТЕБЯ! ******************************************** Have you ever seen the film "American Beauty"? This film, being awarded as the best film of the year 1999, includes a lot of interesting ideas. And one of them was expressed in one of the main characters' words: " is my philosophy that in order to be successful, one must project an image of success, at all times". But will it be your choice just to represent such an image and not to try to succeed in reality? We really doubt it. And our Autumn Master-Classes 2010 are the best choice for those who is really ready to move forward and to succeed in their everyday life! During our Master-Classes you will have a unique chance to learn a great number of exciting things which cannot be taught at school or in the university, to get extensive knowledge and useful skills which can be applied in any sphere of activity or just in your communication with other people. Public speaking and debates techniques, international relations and system thinking, time management and teamwork, professional English and leadership skills - and this is even not a full list of things which you will be able to get acquainted with on our Master-Classes! And at the very end of them you also will be able to try to behave as a real delegate of one of United Nations' committees while taking part in a special conference in the format of UN, to do your best and to give 100 per cent in order to show yourself from the best side and to become a winner! Besides, Autumn Master-Classes is not only an opportunity to enrich your knowledge, but also to find new friends and spend time in a pleasant company of your soulmates in the best way! And... have we already mentioned that after graduating from the Master-Classes you can stay in our organization for developing further and getting more and more chances to... for example, participate in international conferences, both in Russia and in foreign countries such as the USA, China, Japan, Singapore, France, Italy, German and many others?? Yes, you can! You are the brightest generation of your time, and it is you who can not just pretend to look successful, but be successful, indeed! And that's why we are glad and happy to invite you to our Autumn Master-Classes 2010 "Mission to succeed!" ********************************************* Большая презентация мастер-классов состоится 16 сентября в 18.30 по адресу остановка Покровский парк, ул. Октябрьская 27 (Главный корпус ДВГУ), ауд. 435. Предварительная запись по телефону 89146631992 (Александра). Встреча в контакте