Air Mysterio ,Armbar,Arm drag, DDT,Arm drag spin,Arm wrench inside cradle,Baseball slide,Bronco buster,Bulldog,
Diving hurricanrana,Dragonrana,Dragonsleeper,Dropkick, Headscissors DDT ,Inverted STF,roundhouse kick,
Leg-feed enzuigiri,crossbody,Slingshot,Springboard,moonsault,Mysterio Express,Mysterio-Rana ,Sitout gutwrench powerbomb,Slingshot,Spinning heel kick, Springboard sitout facebuster,Standing shiranui,Suicide dive,Thesz press,
Tilt-a-whirl,Victory roll
Тренер: Rey Misterio, Sr
Прозвища: "The Master of the 619","The Technical Kid From San Diego","El Super Duper Niño","The Giant Killer",
"The Ultimate Underdog","The Biggest Little Man",The Masked Marvel
Asistencia Asesoría y Administración
* Mexican National Trios Championship (1 раз) – с Октагоном и Супер Мунесо
* Mexican National Welterweight Championship (1 раз)
* AAA Hall of Fame (Class of 2007)
International Wrestling All-Stars
* IWAS Tag Team Championship (1 раз) – с Коннаном
Tijuana, Mexico
* Tijuana Hall of Fame (Class of 2006)
World Championship Wrestling
* WCW Cruiserweight Championship (5 раз)
* WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship (1 раз) – с Билли Кидманом
* WCW World Tag Team Championship (3 раза) – с Билли Кидманом (1), Коннаном (1), и Ювентудо Гуерреро (1)
* WCW Magazine Match of the Year (1997) против Эдди Гуерреро за WCW Cruiserweight пояс, WCW Halloween Havoc
World Wrestling Association
* WWA Lightweight Championship (3 раза)
* WWA Tag Team Championship (1 раз) – с Реем Мистерио
* WWA Welterweight Championship (3 раза)
World Wrestling Council
* WWC World Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 раз)
World Wrestling Entertainment
* World Heavyweight Championship (2 раза)
* WWE Intercontinental Championship (2 раза)
* WWE Tag Team Championship (4 раз) – с Эджем (1), Роб ван Дамом (1), Эдди Гуерреро (1), и Батистой (1)
* WWE Cruiserweight Championship (3 раза)
* Royal Rumble (2006)
* Twenty First Triple Crown Champion