Australia Canberra Australasia Sydn Melbourne

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Austral Rep;blica Location: Oceania. Date active: 2008-present. Has a website: www. austral-gov. blogspot. com. Микронация. Australia New. Kingdom.. O Reino da Nova Austr;lia ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1892 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por William Lane, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Микронация. Australia Northern. Commonwealth.. Northern Australia. Commonwealth. Northern Australia (Full Name:The Commonwealth of Northern Australia) is a Constitutional Monarchy Located in the North Eastern sector of the Australian continent in the Southern Hemisphere. The Commonwealth of Northern Australia was founded on November 1, 2009 as a The United Kingdom of Oceania, An Absolute Monarchy. At 12 midnight September 1 2010 it officially became a Constitutional Monarchy. Official language: English. Capital: Cairns. Date founded: November 1, 2009. Number of territorial residents: ; 6,000,000. Number of citizens: 130. Currency: Northern Australian Dollar ($NAD). Government: Constitutional Monarchy. Current Monarch: HRM Zachary I of Northern Australia. Current Head of Government: HRM Zachary I of Northern Australia. The Government is a Constitutional Monarchy with a bicameral parliamentary system of government. The King is Head of State and Acts as Head of Government through the Title President of Northern Australia. The Legislative body of The Commonwealth of Northern Australia is The Federal Parliament of Northern Australia, consisting of the Senate of Northern Australia and the Northern Australian House of Representatives. The Head of Government and The Head of State are both the current monarch, HRM Zachary I of Northern Australia. Микронация. Australia.. Independent Sovereign State of Australia. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Independent Sovereign State of Australia. Location: Oceania. entirity of Australia. Contact location - Brisbane, Qld, Australia. Lider - Don Cameron. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of the Australian national estate. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Микронация. Австралия - от "неизвестная южная земля" (лат. terra australis incоgnita). Территория была названа ранними европейскими исследователями, которые верили, что австралийский материк был гораздо больше, чем они пока открыли. Путешественник Мэттью Флиндерс (1774-1814), который первым исследовал австралийский берег и сделал его карту, использовал термин "Австралия" в своей работе. Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Adelaide Gold Coast–Tweed Heads Newcastle Canberra–Queanbeyan Wollongong Sunshine Coast TOP-15 самых богатых стран по версии журнала Forbes: 11. Австралия